"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." (Archana Thapa)
Monday, October 4, 2010
Responsibility of life......
The only person responsible for your actions is you.
What goes around, comes around, as you may have heard.
You give and take, you receive what you deserve.
As much as I may not want to admit,
this mess that I'm in, I got myself into it.
What I've done, I've done a couple of times.
They say you live and learn, well why didn't I?
So I'm dealing with the pain, and taking on the ache
I have to lie in the bed I didn't mean to make,
so instead of looking up to heaven and asking god for help
I'll take a look in the mirror, a good look at myself.
I have to realize and accept what I've done wrong,
learning lessons is tough but not if your strong.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Would you believe me
Would you agree
It's almost that feeling that we met before
So tell me that you don't think I'm crazy
When I tell you love has come here and now
A moment like this
Some people wait a lifetime
For a moment like this
Some people search forever
For that one special kiss
Oh I can't believe it's happening to me
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this.
Everything changes but beauty remains
Something so tender
I can't explain
Well I may be dreaming but till I awake
Can we make this dream last forever
And I'll cherish all the love we share
A moment like this
Some people wait a lifetime
For a moment like this
Some people search forever
For that one special kiss
Oh I can't believe it's happening to me
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this
Could this be the greatest love of all
I wanna know that you will catch me when I fall
So let me tell you this
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this
Some people wait a lifetime
For the moment like this
Some people search forever
For that one special kiss
Oh I can't believe it's happening to me
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this
Oh Oh like this
Oh Oh Oh Oh
Some people search forever, oh yeah yeah
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this
Oh like this
Friday, December 11, 2009
Life Paints A Picture
Everyone's life is a picture,
Painted by only one person,
Life itself.
The picture shows everything you're doing,
And everything you have done.
But sometimes, Life gets tired.
And doesn't want to paint a picture.
So, Life sends problems to stop you,
If you give up, your picture is finished.
If you keep going, so does your picture.
So the question is::
How soon do you want to see your picture?
Do you want to see it now?
When it could be so much more?
Or later, when there's so much more than before?
It's your choice,
I'll keep going.
What I Won't Let No One Know
what i won't let no one know
I won't let any body know that behind my eyes a sad girl cries.
I won't let any body know that I hurt so much inside.
I won't let any body know that I'm not the average girl.
I won't let any body know that I'm carrying the weight of the world.
I won't let any body know that my HART aches with flaming pain.
And I won't let any body know that my life is as dark as the night.
And I won't let any body know that I'm playing the roll of a happy girl that no one even
I won't let any body that I will never let my true feelings show.
But I will let you know that you're the love of me life?
And that when I close my eyes you're the one I see.
Day or night my love to you does not matter.
So why don't you get me out of heir..
So I can forge about this mess that's up in my head.
And if I lighten up a bit I will be over it.
So why don't you take me far, far away from this place.
I just can't stand living here one more second.
Falling Apart
I've given away my heart,
So it could be torn into pieces.
He left me with the feelings of betrayal and being forgotten.
I'm so in love, yet so alone, with two years thrown away.
Feeling his absense hurts the most.
My constant urge to call is almost taking over, while on the other side, my cycle of feelings starts with rage.
Slowly going into sadness, rage again, desperation, devastation, and finally denial.
Every morning I open my eyes to emptiness.
Seeing a long black hallway with nothing in between.
This so-called love has taken over my life leaving me distracted.
Days pass by and now my emotions are going crazy.
Leaving me no choice but to vomit.
To empty my pesimistic thoughts.
To stop thinking my life is over.
To stop my tears everynight from falling.
To stop feeling like my heart has shattered into fifty pieces.
The hardest part of moving on is the jealousy on top of all my misery.
But soon enough I'll go to bed realizing I survived this struggle.
I need to escape my depression to continue breathing.
And regain my strength to love again.
Monday, October 12, 2009
When the two sisters go to fetch water

They must be aware of somebody who stands behind the trees whenever they go to fetch water.
The two sisters whisper to each other when they pass this spot.
They must have guessed the secret of that somebody who stands behind the trees whenever they go to fetch water.
Their pitchers lurch suddenly, and water spills when they reach this spot.
They must have found out that somebody's heart is beating who stands behind the trees whenever they go to fetch water.
The two sisters glance at each other when they come to this spot, and they smile.
There is a laughter in their swift-stepping feet, which makes confusion in somebody's mind who stands behind the trees whenever they go to fetch water
The tame bird was in a cage
They met when the time came, it was a decree of fate.
The free bird cries, "O my love, let us fly to the wood."
The cage bird whispers, "Come hither, let us both live in the cage."
Says the free bird, "Among bars, where is there room to spread one's wings?"
"Alas," cries the caged bird, "I should not know where to sit perched in the sky."
The free bird cries, "My darling, sing the songs of the woodlands."
The cage bird sings, "Sit by my side, I'll teach you the speech of the learned."
The forest bird cries, "No, ah no! songs can never be taught."
The cage bird says, "Alas for me, I know not the songs of the woodlands."
There love is intense with longing, but they never can fly wing to wing.
Through the bars of the cage they look, and vain is their wish to know each other.
They flutter their wings in yearning, and sing, "Come closer, my love!"
The free bird cries, "It cannot be, I fear the closed doors of the cage."
The cage bird whispers, "Alas, my wings are powerless and dead."